Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Is Conversion A Priviledge Or Opportunity Or a Rights?
To be in Israel is an amazing gift, however when we realize that it has to end within a short period of time, it began to sour. I am in Israel for the second time for a few months !!. I am Bnei Menashe and I have the right to live in my forefather's land, that is what I think it has to be. But who cares who am I? I am but a foreigner wanting to live in Israel long before I began to crawl. Deep inside me, is the real truth, which I only knew and which I can't express to others. Another day passed, I ponder on how we can proof who we are! I got but the same answer. If we have been recognised as one of the lost tribe of Israel, do we really need Conversion? the answer is a big yes. Inspite of being a Dati (observant Jews) from birth, we the Bnei Menashe do really need Conversion, again to be a real Jews in Israel !! Its really hard to be a Jews outside Israel, we need to struggle to proof who we are, but in Israel one can be any other person.
Conversion of Bnei Menashe is require as they have been lost for thousands of years. We may think that we don't need Conversion as we already have been an observant Jews even before we are converted. Do we really expect so much? We tend to get caught in sense-illusion. We feed illusions and mistake that for fulfilment. The minute what we expected to achieve does not happen, it makes us feel disturbed.

We the Bnei Menashe need to have positive feelings, it will fill us with joy, however at this moment, we are being caught in the web of negativity because of late Aliyah, which reflects unhappiness, insecurity, uneasiness and in its more intense form, irritation and anger, due to Aliyah Expectation Hangover Syndrome.
We get caught in a whirlpool of being happy or sad due to ignorance of our real Self. We need to realise that there is The One, who in His power have the ability to change everything as long as we are dependent on Him. Our true nature is love and that is concealed in pure consciousness. Depriving us of this automatic Conversion draws us to experience unhappiness and discontentment. We need to keep in accordance with the change of the time. I am glad that at least we have an option to do Conversion without which we won't be able to Live and Die in Israel.
May G-d Enlighten Us!
Shalom !