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Saturday, January 15, 2011

How I Became A Big Fan of Aliyah

There are good days and there are bad days in life, and this is one of them. They said, I will go to Israel when I got my passport. I got my first passport at the age of 17 and was young then. They said we will make aliyah in the next 2-3 years. I did not feel any remorse when I was left behind the following year. Those were days when Bnei Menashe youngsters are given priority, that too with limited seat. Moreover I was still young in Judaism, nevertheless, our family start practicing  Orthodox Judaism when I was a kid.

Hope against Hope is the fate of me and many others.Youngsters and not-so-youngsters began making aliyah in the next 2-3 years. I remain calm as usual even when we were left behind for the second, third, fourth and so on. As year passed, I came to realized that my 10 years old passport validity expired. Ten years has elapsed!!. I asked myself, am I too old to make aliyah? when will I go to Israel now without any valid passport?  I really feel loss at that moment. I had to renew my passport which in India takes a never ending list of documents, time and money. I however manage to have it renewed after reasonable period of time, which drew hole in my pocket.

Whenever anyone has to make aliyah, everyone had to take the pain to go and bid him farewell. That is not enough, almost everyone has to take a trip to the airport to shed some tears of separation. We don't know when will the next aliyah be. We were families, friends and love each other dearly until aliyah do us apart and till we meet again. In the end, this became a custom we are accustomed in.

Now policy changes in accordance with time. No youngsters would be allow for aliyah without families. I know the reason why and everyone knows it. The new policy is good, but I became the innocent victim who suffered. For nearly a decade there were not official aliyah, however those families who has relatives in Israel made aliyah in private. Until finally, in 2007 August, with the help of Shavei Israel Orgn. about 270 Bnei Menashe Jewish family made Aliyah. The funny part of me was that, I still don't feel bad about it. Aliyah of 2007 revived the hope for aliyah the following years amongst Bnei Menashe. I feel I'm getting older. No aliyah as anticipated till then. So in Oct. 2009 I made my mind up to go to Israel which I finally succeed. Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. I was in Yeshivat Mechon Meir for 3 months, I returned after, hoping that aliyah would be within a year. I now need to ponder over whether the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler  OR rather Hope is the poor man's bread. I now humorously titled myself as "A Big Fan of Olim"



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Individual Bnei Menashe Making Aliyah Ignites A Debate


Vying for private aliyah among Bnei Menashe has come in uncalled criticism and commentary. The underlying assumption of wagging tongues is that there is something intrinsically noteworthy or wrong with individual aliyah, while such criticism speaks volumes about commentators, it says next to nothing about the happiness of the immigrant. This is a sad commentary on the state of some leaders when private aliyah becomes the focus for all Bnei Menashe chatters in India

For years, private aliyah is the best option for any individual or families whose relatives resides in Israel in order to overcome Aliyah Expectation Hangover syndrome. Even in 2009 we have witness some individual made it to the list.

In history of aliyah of Bnei Menashe, we have also observed that aliyah in past 3 decades; almost all of them have made aliyah under Tourist visa (B2) which is more like a private aliyah rather than that of visa given to Mass Aliyah of 2007 which was A5. That system can be re-introduced for those who want to make aliyah in private. Nevertheless still stick with our struggle for mass aliyah.

Rather than acquiesce to some leader’s opinion, it’s a matter of urgency for independent thinking people to question the dominant opinion. Should we condemn those people who make private aliyah for making commitment to live in the Promised Land? Surely, even the puritanical amongst us should celebrate this reaffirmation of an age-old practice, developed independently by all countries including US, Europe and Indian Jews, but treated as risky by Bnei Menashe. A Jews by far has the right to make aliyah anytime he/she wish. If the individual or family has any other family in Israel to rely on, then it is a very good opportunity for that party to make aliyah in private, it’s a matter between consenting individuals. And should we not share in its landing rather than assume that a rationality composed by want of high-life-style and materialism or a victim of bnei-menashe-crisis motivates the individual’s decision? Even if such assumption is correct surely its up to them to decide what they want. Decision makers and leaders cannot arrogate themselves the right to decide on their behalf.

To take private immigrant and families’ action on their own terms also provides insights into how people will behave in a world where ‘freedom to travel anywhere’ has transform lives. Regardless of whether one agrees with private aliyah has done, he or she has at a minimum transformed the way Bnei Menashe view of Aliyah, perhaps if we give him/her a chance, it might also transform our aged-old Aliyah Expectation Hangover Syndrome. Moreover, private aliyah is a helping hand in disguise to Shavei Israel, it minimize the number of next mass aliyah.

Aliyah is not opportunity, it is a privilege. Any Jews has the right to make aliyah anytime. However it turns out to be opportunity for Bnei Menashe, which knocks but once. So why suffer ourselves when we know when we can make it. Change is what we need. Decision makers needs to endorse private Aliyah. More important is to set up department to help private immigrant of Bnei Menashe to get Giur (Citizenship) like other countries who has their own department in Israel. It is a mitzvah (Commandment) to live in Israel and aliyah is the only way. It is one’s duty to exert the force (the love for Israel) within self to fulfill it individually or generally.


That, in spite of waiting for Mass Aliyah, Bnei Menashe discovered new ideas- private aliyah - to go to Israel.  This valuable idea increasingly under threat by the rise of symmetrical or asymmetrical relationship between families and relatives in India and Israel. Private aliyah is significant not for who is involved, but because it highlights this worrying trends. At the heart of the matter is the question of whether individual aliyah of bnei menashe is desirable and feasible. Without fail, private aliyah will cause individual to feel proud and those left behind will seek way to immolate it. The matter is not whether the families in Israel want their relatives soon with them, but they are not aware that they are exploiting the mind of others. Private aliyah is a blow against Shavei Israel who nurtures Bnei Menashe from its orphanage, who carried and will carries out various development programs. IT can also cause them to withdraw their attention we enjoy which at this moment is healthy.

Private aliyah should sternly be objected and mass aliyah be endorsed. Mass aliyah provides Bnei Menashe a change to proof and raise their voice together in their struggle to be recognized. If we don’t object it, the result will be back to survival of the fittest amongst Bnei Menashe.

Why should we incite jealousy and lead other to temptation and exploiting their minds to follow your way of aliyah? We are but instigating more pollution in our Movement. Let it be two or three person, I think it will make sense rather than a bunch of intruders. With this type of action we won’t be able to perceive any positive outcome of our struggle. We all acknowledge what Shavei has done to us. Their patience may be running thin. Don’t we trust them anymore; we are nothing less compare with those people who go astray while Rabbeinu Moses was away at Mt. Sinai. Do we have to repeat that mistake again? We are on our way making ourselves void of any condition to be call Bnei menashe if this goes on.

We cannot compare private aliyah made by Jews from US or Europe, they are Jews by birth, we are Lost. Do we really want Christian element in our midst, in guise of Jew come to Israel and incite criticism in Israel as was once upon us? That can be the product of private aliyah. Endorsing private aliyah can pave the way for any Bnei Menashe (Jews & Christian). Shavei Israel have had enough problem with those who made private aliyah. We need to be careful even more. We don’t we to be the subject of any criticism. If we really are vested interest, better be pure in our line and let it be, there will be a way instead of inciting jealousy and corrupting others mind. Mass exodus is the way to avoid these problems and to hold our Movement.

What is your View or Comment ?

Yonathan Haokip



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What After Aliyah ?

G-d willing we are on the verge of making Aliyah, no matter what we will still make it one day. However just wanting to be in Israel should not be our aim. What after Aliyah will you do to make a living? Where in Israel will you stay after Conversion? What is the profession that which is in demand? etc. We need to ask ourselves every possible question prior to Aliyah.

Aliyah in one hand is making a spiritual journey towards holy hand. On the other its just going abroad (our of India). The difference is that we don’t have to worry about our tickets and lodging for 6 months. In any case we have to work for our livelihood wherever we are. What after six months are we going to do? Do we really think that we have to start from the scratch? Its high time for us to think of the future. Its crucial for every individual to get ready to face life out there.

Do we really intend to work as maid nurse? Or in a hotel? I don’t think so, I knew well that no Bnei-Menashe think of such in their life to work as a maid servant, not even in their wildest dream. But we do now in Israel. Many Bnei-Menashe woman works in Israel as a maid nurse. (I don’t mean to criticize them, but using them as an example) Do we ask why?

First, we work in such industry out of love for Israel and of being a Jews. Anyhow we have to work for our livelihood. We really don't care where we work as long as we are in Israel. We have no definition to express our love for Israel.

Second, we have no professional background to obtain respectable job. Can we ask further why don’t we have professional background? The answer is simple, it is the product of spending our time and our life in pursuit of leisure in Manipur (India). We never know what ‘work’ is all about. We now realize those were the days we could have use our time to garner and learn some professions which will help us live a better live in Israel.

Most of us seek on how to procrastinate time; analyzing and speculating the time for aliyah will not bear any fruit for us. Let time decide it. Its none of our business either. Its not too late to choose our  profession and anyone not too old to learn.

So Far So Good :

I am sorry to reflect Bnei Menashe in a critical point of view. Every coins has the other side. The good things that we achieved is that we never fail to be present at the synagogues and public gatherings and conferences. (May be to advertise ourselves and fear of marking absent?) In the past 6 years we can see development in the field of religion. Most woman take part in celebration of Rosh Chodesh every month and the number increases. Use of Mikveh, Torah and Hebrew classes, seminars, public gatherings on high holidays are worth mentioning.

Bnei Menashe in general are honest and shy, but they are fun-loving people as well. They love to get-together, visiting one another is common practice, sharing opinions and moreover they are creative in nature. Youths are the central figure of the community; they take responsibilities in religious circles.

After reasonable period of years of say ‘misunderstanding’ amongst different communities, we now compromised and we all come under one umbrella, not because we forget what we did, but we forgive each others.

Ever since, with the thought of aliyah and longing to go to Israel raise amongst Bnei-Menashe, 95% of the population practices Orthodox Judaism. The drive to lead all the communities under orthodox is conducted under the wings of Shavei Israel known as ‘Shavei Fellowship’. This fellowship is responsible for the growth and development of Bnei Menashe in religious field and each member are bound to teach Torah and basic tenets of Judaism, which I am part of it.

The trend of more Bnei Menashe heading toward Orthodox Judaism indicates their longingness to return. It’s not a good living condition or good life that we desire, but a religious environment, or simply to live in Israel is what necessitate us to long for. When the love for Israel becomes high, you will be blessed with a mind which will initiate the strong will within self to think of a way out to go to Israel. That is what I’ve experienced. The desire and yearn for Israel was so strong that I made it to Israel to have a glimpses of it, to breath its air, I feel like I finally got freedom. My experience in Jerusalem was amazing. I think I’ve got a taste of once in a life time experiment.

I return to India after 3 months of rigorous study of Torah in Yeshivat Mechon Meir, to impart the knowledge to my Bnei Menashe brethren.

Lastly, we the people of Bnei Menashe has the right to return in our forefather’s land. We feel we have been denied thisrights for a long period of time. We pray to our Jewish brethren to acknowledge the plight of us.

Help us to achieve what we have longed for thousands of years.

Shalom !
Yonathan Haokip


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